With the threat of stage 8 load shedding looming large over South Africa, having a plan B for extended periods of power outages has become non-negotiable.
But it’s not an easy or affordable process to embark on.
SCWISP are proud to say that we have installed backup systems on all our towers.
Our current power backup methodology is mainly battery backup with key sites having permanent onsite generators.
Main problems we are sitting with:
1. That our towers need time to charge, about 12 hours plus to charge the batteries.
2. Battery theft remains a problem for all operators, and we continue to see several hundred cases of battery theft and base station vandalism per month.
3. Criminals who believe fibre is valuable or think the cable they are stealing is copper.
4. Vandalism of equipment and manholes.
Not only does it deprive the community of its basic right to communication, but it also leads to increases in the cost of telecommunication services.
Thank you for choosing Southern Cape WISP as your ISP.